donderdag 23 oktober 2008

Been a while, but have not been sitting still.

Ok so boxing was on a bit low priority last month due to me forming a new casual raiding guild with some old Inner Sanctum people.

We took back our old starting name Minions of Mithril. We worked on setting it up, helping some rerollers and such, for now we just did SSC and MH but we cleared both.

This of course is only possible due to the nerf done to raid instances. We got a huge amount of people still wearing greens from rerolling. Besides the karazhan and Zul'aman epics.

I however have been ever since the event started farmed the Headless Horseman. all 4 shamans now have the rings he drops, and my warrior got the Helm for the achievement, i have yet to see a Squashling or the mount.

Yesterday my guild organised a semi PUG Molten core run. Partly for the achievement and partly to get my warrior the second binding. The binding did not drop, but i did get to bring all shamans, but unfortunatly i did not manage to do alot of dps due to mobs dieing so incredibly fast and multiboxing target switching still seems to take 1 cast i need to jump out of to switch.

Besides all that i also levelled up the warlock i was working on to level 66. Sofar i have not had much incentive to level him further. Quite frankly i think the shamans and the warrior and priest i already have to level is more then enough, i seriously am considering putting the paladin to rest aswell. The druid and rogue i will most likely not touch anymore either.

Tonights raid will be to Tempest keep, just to experience it once. Should be fun for once.

vrijdag 19 september 2008

Done with RAF.

As mentioned in the last post. I started with levelling the druid and a rogue, and RAF gifted up a warlock.

The druid and the lock are now 61, they are still on the same account. This will change tonight. When i move the druid to one of my other accounts, and i can start dual boxing them. It should be fairly easy, the druid will be resto and the lock demo.

Dont really anticipate any issue's till perhaps 5 man group quests.

Will be quite a change since i have played neither class really much, we boosted them up to 60 pretty much every step of the way, except for 1-10 :D

I'll post my progress here of course. Should be a good laugh....

zondag 14 september 2008

Busy busy busy.

My shamans are now 70, goal for WotLK done.

However i still had a few side things that i wanted to do.

1 ) Get a warlock to 70
2 ) Get a druid to 70
3 ) get a rogue to 60

As usual i take things backwards. So i raffed a Rogue with my friend. He's now 60. We gifted up my lvl40 warlock to 60. That one i will now start levelling.

On the side we also levelling a druid now they are both at level 13. But since we are both working. And he has other hobbies it'll take a week before they are 60 :)

woensdag 3 september 2008

Wintersaber Mount

Ok so yesterday i started to gather Chillwind Meat and Shardtooth Meat for the Wintersaber Faction. I did 3 out of the 6 meat collection runs x 5 :)

It is one hell of a grind, and when multiple people are doing it, its hard to get all the meat. Especially with levelling folks around.

I did 2 today, and 1 yesterday. Most likely will do 2 more tommorow, and after that its kill quests which are not to bad.

maandag 1 september 2008

Daily Quests

So after i wrote last night's message i spend a hour or so on doing most of the isle Daily's and some others.

Netted me about 100g each character. Not to bad. but i am mainly doing it for the rep.

zondag 31 augustus 2008

Arena's & Stratholme & Lack of lust to play

Ok so here is friday evening. Been wanting to go home all day to play some AV's

I play 2 AV's and am instantly bored with it..... Decided to log for the evening and start a new druid its level 9 now. Prob will level it when i dont feel like playing the shamans.

Saturday : Was up pretty early did my weekend shopping. And other then that i did pretty little. I did 1 AV and tarded around a bit. Also finally finished Wrath of the Mad god by Raymond E. Feist. Turned out to be better further in, as i mentioned it started out pretty weak. Story took a turn for the better.

Sunday : I started out by creating my Arena team. Then a guildmate of mine Zstrike came and asked if i wanted to do some 2vs2 Arena with. After a bit of hesitation i said yes. We did fairly well, he played his lock and i played my priest. (disc/shadow).

We ended up at something like 8-12 win/loss for a first time for me doing arena's not to shabby. Also considering i only have 75 resiliance. Afterwards i asked him to heal for me with my 4 shamans. This was well a slaughter to put it mildly. 6K hp, and 0 resiliance is just not gonna cut it.... 0-10 win/loss. He knew it on forehand so np, just getting some points now to get gloves and S3 items :)

Ended the early part of the day with doing some stratholm, did like 7 runs. Was hoping for a mount. but basicly just going there to kill some time. and make some cash.

Somehow i just dont feel like doing daily quests. Strangle enough doing stratholm is more satisfying then going to the Isle of Quel.

Anyways tommorow i might actually start some daily's who knows it'll actually happen this time. :P

donderdag 28 augustus 2008


Yesterday i took my first shot at a level 70 instance, picking steamvaults cause its nice and small. After having 2 goes at the first boss (Thespia with the nice lightning cloudes...) When i was running back (ran out of anks).

My pc froze all of the sudden, same black screen issue i had before. No big deal really but i just didn't feel like clearing again since the party disbanded automaticly when all members are offline.

So today i went back to get my revanche. It took me a few tries and a new move right and left macro to get it done. but about 5 wipes later, and Muramar reminding me of my heroism *doh*. I managed to take her down fairly easy with 0 death.

Got myself Scintillating Coral Band and some other blue stuff from the bosses in Steamvaults.

The 2nd boss was hard the first go. Second go i took out the fire elementals and they well decimated the small adds so he went down very quickly.

Warlord Kalithrass was also fairly easy except i forgot to think about the shield reflect. but after 1 volley i noticed, and he went down first attempt. It is so nice to have everyone shoot the cans at the same time :)

Tommorow i will try Magisters terrace for Shattered sun rep.