woensdag 3 september 2008

Wintersaber Mount

Ok so yesterday i started to gather Chillwind Meat and Shardtooth Meat for the Wintersaber Faction. I did 3 out of the 6 meat collection runs x 5 :)

It is one hell of a grind, and when multiple people are doing it, its hard to get all the meat. Especially with levelling folks around.

I did 2 today, and 1 yesterday. Most likely will do 2 more tommorow, and after that its kill quests which are not to bad.

4 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Even though Blizzard had greatly decreased the amount of grinding needed to get this mount, it's still a significant amount of time. The collection quests are the biggest pain actually as the drop rate isn't all that great, and with multiple characters it'll be an even bigger pain. Things get better once you get the other quests.

You may not have seen but I did a series about my experience of getting the Frostsaber mount. Though I did it solo with my main, there might be some info in there that may help you be more efficient, or at least an indication of how long it will really take you.

(newer posts are at the top and older towards the bottom)

Eventually I too will try to get this mount with my multiboxed team, but that may not be for a while still.

Lorune zei

I read your post earlier :)

But no worries, i already have 1 frostsaber on my main warrior.

I did it when you still had to do 840 quests. And compared to that this is well peanuts :P

Anoniem zei

I hereby /bow to you for having the patience and stamina to actually grind out the original 840 quests. I could imagine how mind numbing that must have been.

Lorune zei

Took about 3 weeks 10 hours a day play time...

So about 210 ingame hours :p