dinsdag 19 augustus 2008

World is full of strange people.

Ok so we all know multiboxing is a touchy subject, especially for people with little to no PVP skills, that feel cheapened out of their easy win epics.

So today i had this strange encounter with 2 druids seemingly friends of each other. Since i reported one, and then the other complained to me about reporting that guy.

Screenshots below :

3 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

I don't know about you, but I see no ToU/EULA breaking problems with multiboxing.... and I do see very rampant violation from the "f*&ktard"-slinging pottymouth. ;)

I'm hoping you reported him (or will report him) to a GM. :)

I wonder if he repeated that swear word because he doesn't know any others?

Anoniem zei

It's amazing the animosity people have towards multiboxers. The use of the same vulgarity not only emphasizes the two people's ignorance, but also that they may share the same brain too.

Lorune zei

He was reported. As was the other guy.

Dont know if they had any punishment cause it is a bit hard to check.