donderdag 31 juli 2008

Totem Quests & Level 51

Yesterday i was extremely tired, but i managed to do all totem quests (i only picked up earth while levelling)

This netted me almost 60% of a level

Funny buff from the air totem gave me Red Dinosaurs :P (mounts)

woensdag 30 juli 2008

Tired but satisfied.

As written last night Zolo is being fixed during today's downtime, this however did not stop me from staying up till 3am to try and get as much out of it as possible.

That being said i got to lvl50 and 70% of that level. A nice level, since now i can hit tanaris / searging gorge to quickly quest boost myself through these area's leaving me at around 53 hopefully.

I assume that after that it'll be Ungoro Crater, Felwood, Western / Eastern Plaguelands and last but not least Silithis. I am assuming this will leave me at around level 61 as it did with my paladin. That seems like a nice level to move to outlands, i really dont like moving there to early as there is a huge opportunity for some extra cash later on.

On the other hand i still think i will be instance running most of the time in outlands following Suvega's advice on leaving all quests. And doing them when i hit 70 to collect nearly 20k gold for all quests, and pay for the epic flyers.

dinsdag 29 juli 2008

Wow wow and wow

So i managed to just get to 35 in the nick of time, turns out at downtime tonight they will nerf the Zolo trick, in the US it has already been fixed after downtime. It would be foolish to assume they will not fix it here in the EU, never the less tommorow i will give it a shot.

That said, i will stay online till server downtime which will happen at 03:00. Probably will be shattered tommorow, but hey, its either spend 3 hours longer now and have a headache tommorow.

Or spend several days of question in a a multitude slower pace to get to the same level.

Truth to be told i hope i can get to 53/54 tho it will be a long sit :)

Sunken Temple = MAD !

I went to Sunken Temple, and sofar i have been doing 185k xp per hour, that translates in roughly 3 levels per hour, they are now all 39, i started at 35.

Will update where i ended later tonight.

35 on to Sunken Temple !

Well i managed to hit 35 last night. It was a horrible grind and it was about 30 degrees celcius here in holland, so not the most ideal situation to do mindless grinding in.

But never the less they all hit 35 last night, i moved all characters to duskwood and they are parked in the inn to wait for me to get off work.

Praying for it being not to hot today, if its a busy day at work and it is, i'll be dead by the time i get home with little feeling to grind... :(

maandag 28 juli 2008

My feelings shift with the day.

Ok so today i woke up, and seems we got a major piping issue in the house, all water seems to be coming up through the pipes again :/

Anyways had to take the day off to wait for the guy to fix it. Bad news is another free day gone for well not a planned day, good news is that i got some more time to play.

On to that i kept the paladin for now, i get 30% of a level in scarlet monstary, however in the cathedral i am having a very very hard time killing all mobs in the last pull. I seem to constantly run out of mana, and the healing mobs will still live meaning i have to hit them down manually since my paladins are still only 28 and cant even hit them properly yet :P

Ah well hopefully 35 today, if not anything above 30 will be ok then i can do some quests in STV

zondag 27 juli 2008

Dejavu & Boosting

Today was a strange day, i had a computer freeze again. However that was not the main item, i brought all shamans from 22 to 27 by doing Stockades and some quests afterwards.

This is not the main thing that caused it to be strange, the reason for that was a dejavu feeling the moment i brought all toons to Scarlet Monastary. Instantly i felt i was doing it all wrong again. Once again endless days of boosting in SM, wether i use a mage or a Paladin, in the end its all the same endless grind. From tommorow i will include my 5th shaman called Esaina in the team.

I will get back to questing, cause truth to be told, i was enjoying myself alot better when i was questing then when i was running DM/Stockades and now SM.

I will do 2 more levels, and then i will start running SM for real with 5 lowbie shamans instead of with my pala, yes my paladin will be there at 70, but i will level all 5 shamans to 70.

Soomehow it just feels right to do it that way. Might say boosting in ST or something is very appealing, but W0tLK is still a long way off, and that is what i am aiming for to become level70. I dont care to much for the current content, been there done that with Lorune and Sandaluth.

Anyways enough ranting for today.

ps. If anyone has any alternative ideas what could be causing these crashes please leave a comment.

My current setup

Well i spend a good 12 hour session of Multiboxing last night, among that time also setting up my paladin in the mix as mentioned yesterday for some boosting.

I also made a picture of my setup, and a nice in action screenshot of the ladies :)

Click on the pictures to see them bigger, and better quallity

This is a picture of my current computer / screen setup

zaterdag 26 juli 2008

Weekend !

So weekend, finally some time to get serious with boxing.

Yesterday's problem "seems" to be solved with the fan speed increase, i read some forums and they said it might hurt the lifetime of my fan, however XFX offers lifetime warranty so i could not care less.

I moved DoubleHelix to another account, to free up the account that holds my paladin. I needed some quick XP and not slow poking with low drop rate quests in the lower levels. Deadmines is what i am currently doing at 19, i expect to at least hit 22 today, if not a bit higher.

I sorta am against boosting, but truth to be told, i am mostly levelling up these shamans to in the end do 10 man instances with together with Granlight. And after 7 level 70 characters i am pretty much "done" with the old world.

Anyways back to levelling/boosting.

vrijdag 25 juli 2008

Multiboxing and PC problems

Yesterday was a fun, but also annoying day.

I started at level9 and managed to end up at lvl14.

My main problem however still seems to be my PC crashing, around 22:00 my PC froze into a black screen, and was not responding at all anymore. I restarted and it crashed again after 30 minutes but now the screen just froze.

I now upped the fanspeed of my 8800 GTX to 100% all the time. I honestly hope this will fix it, otherwise i will have to go out and shell out €1200 on some extra PC's, which i would not mind, but lets just say its money that could also be spend on buying ALOT of new books.

I already replaced the motherboard and powersupply, but i got the feeling it is overheating.

Might even try to put a fan on the PC with the case open. Who knows it might improve the situtation, addionally i got another laptop from work with me this weekend, so i will probably end up making Keyclone a happy guy with another $20 ;)

Anyway hopefully tonight a positive update, the 100% cooler setting brought down the idle temprature from 69 to 59 in the few minutes i had before leaving to work.

If anyone else has any suggestions as to what might cause my problem feel free to leave a message (fyi memory was tested, motherboard and psu already replaced.)

donderdag 24 juli 2008

Level 9 and Guild formed

Well yesterday i met up with the other alliance boxer on Silvermoon-EU.

We formed a guild called Mirror Image, we now have 9 members, and a single tab guild bank.

Besides that i spend 2 hours levelling from 6 to 9, and doing every single collection quest in elwyn forest. Must admit the golddust and Candle quest was a quite a pain in the backside.

Other then the few collection quests its going pretty smooth.

dinsdag 22 juli 2008

How plans change sometime....

Well i was planning to do alot of levelling tonight, how wrong i was :)

Was hanging around a bit on my priest, and turned out the guild was gonna go a Alt Gruul / Maggy run. So i joined with my pala tank. Killed gruul with 17 people. Got myself the T4 Paladin Chest and Shoulders, and the Mace from the Highking for if i ever go retribution :p

Its a nice boost to my gear, but unfortunatly i forgot to loot 3 badges from gruul, making me just short for the Libram by 2 badges.

But all in all not much happened multiboxing related today. Probably tommorow a bit more, however it is reset time, perhaps a kara pickup :)

Screen setup small update.

Yesterday i posted my new screen layout, however I also posted a message on requesting if anyone could help me fix the aspect ratio. Keyclone author Rob was very quick with responding with a file for me to import with the right ratio's and sizes.

Time to try that when I get home tonight

maandag 21 juli 2008

Screen Setup

Well i finally decided on my Screen layout.

the first setup i tried was 4 squares each the same size, however this was very annoying to look at due to the small letters in the quest log, and other such things that you want to read.

So now my main character has a big readable screen, and with Keyclone's PIP (Picture in Picture) option i can switch between screens fairly easy. On my current PC it takes about 1 second to switch.

Basic Macro's such as group invites / focus / assist / simple attacks are setup now, just gotta sort out a easy way to add new spells to the hotbar including the respective macro. Tommorow i will try to finish the last bits of my macro's if i am home on time from work. Then hopefully i might have some time spare to also sort out the UI's cause at the moment its a mess :(

Time for bed now.

Reported !

I was level 1 when this happend. The guy kept requesting duels and trying to steal my targets, and shout reported. Strange people sometimes on Silvermoon.

Wow and Lorune

To anybody that reads this.

So i am a long time world of warcraft player, playing in the guild Inner Sanctum back in the MC/BWL/AQ40 days as a tank and quit somewhere around start of Naxx for a month or nine.

When i came back i didn't have the time to pickup raiding, however i am still a member of the guild.

These days i just play casually, i have Sandaluth (70 priest), Sandaleth (70 Paladin) and my main Lorune (70 Warrior). Used to have some other characters aswell but deleted those and never bothered to restore them.

Since last march i also tried to dabble in the world of Multiboxing, i tried this at first with boosting 4 new toons to a higher level with a borrowed mage, but this turned out to get so boring in the end, i just quit it all together.

Now with some renewed motivation i started a team of 4 Shamans, hoping to one day do some PVP and PVE with them. I plan to use my paladin as a tank for the group if i ever end up doing PVE.

Anyways i honestly hope i wont burn out this time like i did the first time. I really was looking forward to it, but the grind kinda smashed all fun of it.