zaterdag 26 juli 2008

Weekend !

So weekend, finally some time to get serious with boxing.

Yesterday's problem "seems" to be solved with the fan speed increase, i read some forums and they said it might hurt the lifetime of my fan, however XFX offers lifetime warranty so i could not care less.

I moved DoubleHelix to another account, to free up the account that holds my paladin. I needed some quick XP and not slow poking with low drop rate quests in the lower levels. Deadmines is what i am currently doing at 19, i expect to at least hit 22 today, if not a bit higher.

I sorta am against boosting, but truth to be told, i am mostly levelling up these shamans to in the end do 10 man instances with together with Granlight. And after 7 level 70 characters i am pretty much "done" with the old world.

Anyways back to levelling/boosting.

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