zondag 31 augustus 2008

Arena's & Stratholme & Lack of lust to play

Ok so here is friday evening. Been wanting to go home all day to play some AV's

I play 2 AV's and am instantly bored with it..... Decided to log for the evening and start a new druid its level 9 now. Prob will level it when i dont feel like playing the shamans.

Saturday : Was up pretty early did my weekend shopping. And other then that i did pretty little. I did 1 AV and tarded around a bit. Also finally finished Wrath of the Mad god by Raymond E. Feist. Turned out to be better further in, as i mentioned it started out pretty weak. Story took a turn for the better.

Sunday : I started out by creating my Arena team. Then a guildmate of mine Zstrike came and asked if i wanted to do some 2vs2 Arena with. After a bit of hesitation i said yes. We did fairly well, he played his lock and i played my priest. (disc/shadow).

We ended up at something like 8-12 win/loss for a first time for me doing arena's not to shabby. Also considering i only have 75 resiliance. Afterwards i asked him to heal for me with my 4 shamans. This was well a slaughter to put it mildly. 6K hp, and 0 resiliance is just not gonna cut it.... 0-10 win/loss. He knew it on forehand so np, just getting some points now to get gloves and S3 items :)

Ended the early part of the day with doing some stratholm, did like 7 runs. Was hoping for a mount. but basicly just going there to kill some time. and make some cash.

Somehow i just dont feel like doing daily quests. Strangle enough doing stratholm is more satisfying then going to the Isle of Quel.

Anyways tommorow i might actually start some daily's who knows it'll actually happen this time. :P

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