zondag 10 augustus 2008

Revenge is sweet !

Today we attempted another go at Drakkisath, myself geared in outland greens and level62, and gnarlight at lvl59 we blasted through the whole instance except for a small screwup in the start we got to drakkisath.

This time he did not even get to conflagerate my paladin before we burned him down. So now all my characters are BWL/Onyxia attuned.

Currently waiting for my heartstone to finish cooldown. Then its off to ramparts !

1 opmerking:

Jens zei

Nice going and grats on the Draki kill!

I still think I will postpone doing UBRS for the 'grins' until I get bored at 70 though, also since I will be going in with just 5 ;)